Hybrid work environments are quickly becoming standard in organizations spanning a variety of industries. However, many people still have mixed feelings about the idea. Some enjoy the idea of remote work, while others would prefer to spend time amongst colleagues in a traditional office setting. Regardless of your feelings about the matter, it is no secret that the practice is largely here to stay in some form or fashion.

We all feel more comfortable at home. It is a place where there are no strict dress codes, designated offices spaces, or constant supervision. In fact, a recent study conducted by AfterCollege concluded that 77% of workers prefer a position that lets them work from home at least once a week. The study also found that when offered remote work for at least one day a week, employees who were typically unengaged in the office became more motivated and productive while completing tasks at home. Additionally, 7 out of 10 individuals entering the workforce are attracted to jobs that offer remote work. With statistics like these, it’s becoming more difficult for companies to fully oppose hybrid work environments going into the future – but there are ways to implement these environments in a way that encapsulates the comfort of employees’ homes while encouraging and inspiring high productivity and quality work. Here are a few ways to do so:

  • Lounge rooms with couches and bean bags 
  • Privacy and quiet rooms
  • Communal kitchens with complimentary snacks and drinks
  • Lax dress code policy
  • Weekly option to work from home

When you show that you care about the well-being of your employees, they are much more likely to care about the success of the company. Implementing these ‘homely’ features into your office space helps balance the stressful workload employees may deal with on a daily basis. These are different policies and spaces you and your company can implement even after the pandemic has subsided and remote work is no longer mandated.

Hybrid Workplace Pros

A recent study conducted by Upwork found that by 2028, 73% of a business’s departments will have employees who work from home. This is largely because the Millennial and Gen Z generations will take up over half of the workforce by that time. Their influence is expected to prompt more companies to adopt work-from-home incentives in the coming years.

As WFH seems inevitable in the future, you may be wondering what the positives of these changes might be. There are several, for example, a study conducted by ClickTime found that work-from-home benefits include:

  • Flexible scheduling
  • Customized office space designed to personal tastes
  • Remaining in comfortable clothes throughout the workday
  • Avoiding an exhausting and stressful commute
  • Saving time and money
  • Spending more time with your family and pets

Offering a hybrid work environment where employees are free to work from home one or two days out of the week is more doable than you think. A study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 37% of jobs in the United States can be done entirely from home. While the rest of these roles cannot function completely remotely, there are ways in which they can be conducted as such a few days out of the month.

Hybrid Workplace Cons

Of course, a hybrid work environment is not all positive. This new workplace model comes with its own set of downsides as well. According to Vantage Circle, some of these cons are:

  • Lack of community and teamwork
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of office equipment and security concerns
  • Risk to productivity
  • Unmonitored performance and frequent breaks
  • Distractions and lack of a good working environment

Many would agree that the pros of hybrid workplaces far outweigh the cons. In a world where the topic is highly polarizing for all organizational roles – from entry-level associates to C-suite executives – it’s best to find a compromise that gives employees home-life incentives at work with the option to operate from home every so often. Even when COVID-19 comes to an end, remote work is likely here to stay. Does your company have what it takes to cater to the demands of today’s workforce? To attract and retain top talent, it’s important to consider hybrid work environments for current and future employees.